

It is always refreshing to take a different approach to photographing a species I have worked with before; I love to focus so intently on the eyes of these wonderful creatures, but my diagnosis of autism always ensures that I am obsessed with the pattern of the animals that I love so deeply, and the snow leopard is a perfect example.

As recent releases have shown, I worked on capturing their beautiful coat and their haunting gaze face-on in recent months, and it was time to try and idea I had been toying with for sometime – a side on portait to highlight the beautiful facial markings from a different angle.

On my second attempt, I was lucky to find the male I had been photographing was sitting proudly atop a rock formation, meaning that if I waited for the cloud cover to move in I would have a clean and elegant backdrop that would really highlight his markings.

The clouds moved in quicker than expected, and he sat proud for seveal minutes. Second attempt, sucessful!

Limited-Edition Prints


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